First time tourist! We arrive in Paris 10/27, and need to be in Foggia by the 29th. We planned on taking a train to Geneva from Paris, spend a night, then leave Geneva the 28th for Foggia. Looks like the trains go to Milan then Bologna, then Foggia. Do we need special passes to stay overnight in Geneva? Is this the most efficient route? Any suggestions appreciated!
It is a long journey, why not fly to Rome and take a train from there, instead of 2 days on a train.
I'm thinking the same; the most efficient route is by air from Paris to Bari, Rome or Naples. Personal preference but I wouldn't spend two days sitting on trains for this journey. You'll also have so little time in. Paris and Geneva that it's hardly worth going to either.
Skip both Paris and Geneva and fly to Bari, Rome or Naples, spend 2 nights there, train to Foggia
Skip Geneva, spend 2 nights in Paris, fly to Bari, Rome or Naples on the 29th, train to Foggia
Skip Paris, fly to Geneva, spend 2 nights there, fly to Bari, Rome or Naples on the 29th, train to Foggia
"Do we need special passes to stay overnight in Geneva?"
This suggests that you are thinking of getting a train pass. Unless you are taking MANY more train journeys than just this one, a train pass will be a huge waste of money. Just get single tickets for each leg of the journey.
That is, if you insist on doing it by train. I agree you should look to fly. Check Skyscanner for all flight options: