What is the fastest way to get from the Milan RR station to Malpensa Airport to rent a car?
Also, how long does it take to drive from Malpensa to Stresa?
Renting a car would be expensive and time consuming, Travel, regardless of mode is around 50 minutes, plan about an hour. The train departs less frequently, the Bus leaves every 20 minutes, taxi when you need it. Go onto the Malpensa airport site and they list all the options, schedules, and costs.
Why do you need to rent from Malpensa when you can rent in Milano? Last year we returned our autoeurope.com car to the Europecar location, which is about two blocks from Stazione Centrale.
Are you afraid to drive in Milano? I've driven there many times and it is not too much different from driving in other large cities.
Buon viaggio,
If your destination is Stresa and you will be Milano Centrale station, why not just take one of the frequent trains? If you will need a car, there are rental agencies in Stresa that can help you.
It doesn't make much sense to pick up a car at the airport if you are in Milan. There are closer places to rent. Or get the car when you really need it.