What's the best way to travel from Assisi to Bologna - bus or train? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Train. Depending upon your departure time, you can go Assisi-Firenze-Bologna or Assisi-Arezzo-Bologna. See the timetables on the Trenitalia site.
As you can see by the link below, train journey times can vary from 2hrs46min to 4hrs24min depending on the run you choose. All runs will require a train change at Florence. Some runs require a second train change at Terontola-Cortona. Thus, you will need to choose your run carefully to save time. http://orario.trenitalia.com/b2c/nppPriceTravelSolutions.do?car=0&stazin=assisi&stazout=bologna&datag=15&datam=12&dataa=2011&timsh=06&stazin_r=Staz_DA&stazout_r=Staz_A&timsm=57&timsm_r=57&lang=en&nreq=5&channel=tcom&npag=1&lang_r=en&nreq_r=5&channel_r=tcom&npag_r=1&x=26&y=7