I'm travelling with my partner from Amalfi to Florence in late September. What is the best way to make the trip? Ideally, we were thinking to do an overnight cruise or something of the sort (worked well in Greece).
Any suggestions are very welcome!
I'm travelling with my partner from Amalfi to Florence in late September. What is the best way to make the trip? Ideally, we were thinking to do an overnight cruise or something of the sort (worked well in Greece).
Any suggestions are very welcome!
Cruise ships have a hard time navigating the Arno river to Florence. Florence is not on the coast. Your best bet is the train.
If you'd like to experience a boat, take a boat from Amalfi to Salerno (instead of the bus).
Then from Salerno, you'd take the train all the way to Florence.
For train schedules see: www.trenitalia.com
To: FIRENZE SANTA MARIA NOVELLA (or also you can select "Firenze (Tutte le stazioni)" for all stations)
Thanks! Is there a boat which travels to Livorno or similar? Would that be advantageous?
There is a world of difference between Greece and Italy, both in terms of geography and infrastructure. Since there are trains that can get you from Salerno to Florence direct in less than 3 1/2 hours in smooth comfort, why would anybody want to take a slow boat that still leaves you 1 1/2 hours away from Florence.
If you want to splurge, get 1st class tickets.
Your comparison with Greece is not applicable here. In Greece there are lots of islands and small peninsulas and they have very limited rail infrastructure. Obviously boats and air are the most logical way to travel there between islands and mainland.
Amalfi is a small village with a small harbor. The closest ports are Salerno and Naples. Now why would a boat company connect those port cities to Livorno, which would take a whole day, when people can take a high speed train and cover that distance in 3 hours?
Oh gosh, Italy is nothing at all like Greece, and Florence is a long way from the coast. Take the train!