With the back ground of a Rick Steves' tour in Italy in 2010, I'm now traveling with friends for two weeks in Italy this spring. We'll have a villla in Cortona for a week, and want to travel to the Cinque Terre region for three night before returning to Rome for one night before flying back to the US. I remember traveling from Rome to the Cinque Terre in one day during my RS tour, but don't know how far Cortona to the Cinque Terre is. And can we get back to Rome in a day? If anyone is willing to help with logistics for this part of our trip, I'd be very grateful. thanks, and happy traveling, everyone.
www.viamichelin.com shows driving directions from Cortona to Levanto. Looks like 3.0hrs not counting any stops for fuel or food. Here's a link. I hope it comes up. http://www.viamichelin.com/web/Itineraires?strStartLocid=32NDFnbXU1NTIwNDQxMGNORE11TWpjME1EZz1jTVRFdU9UZzNOelU9&strDestLocid=32NDFpZzA1MTkwMTUxMGNORFF1TVRjeE1UZz1jT1M0Mk1UTTBNZz09&intItineraryType=1&caravaneHidden=false&vh=CAR&strVehicle=0&itineraryCarType=0&itineraryFuelType=0&isFavoriseAutoroute=false&isAvoidPeage=false&isAvoidVignette=false&isAvoidLNR=false&isAvoidFrontiers=false&dtmDeparture=24%2F04%2F2012&distance=&devise=1.0|EUR&indemnite=&carbCost=1.5&autoConso=6.8&villeConso=6&routeConso=5.6 From Levanto to Rome, it's 4.5hrs not counting stops for fuel or food. Here's a link. http://www.viamichelin.com/web/Itineraires?strStartLocid=32NDFnbXU1NTIwNDQxMGNORE11TWpjME1EZz1jTVRFdU9UZzNOelU9&strDestLocid=32NDFpZzA1MTkwMTUxMGNORFF1TVRjeE1UZz1jT1M0Mk1UTTBNZz09&intItineraryType=1&caravaneHidden=false&vh=CAR&strVehicle=0&itineraryCarType=0&itineraryFuelType=0&isFavoriseAutoroute=false&isAvoidPeage=false&isAvoidVignette=false&isAvoidLNR=false&isAvoidFrontiers=false&dtmDeparture=24%2F04%2F2012&distance=&devise=1.0|EUR&indemnite=&carbCost=1.5&autoConso=6.8&villeConso=6&routeConso=5.6
Rose Ann, have you considered turning in your car after your week in Cortona and taking a train to Cinque Terre and then on to Rome? You may find a car to be less useful for those legs of the trip. We stayed near Cortona on our last trip and really enjoyed renting the car for our time there, but ditched the car for public transportation in CT and Rome.