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Travel adapter: 2 or 3 prongs

I’m finding both options on Amazon. Does it matter if I buy a 2 prong or 3 prong? Should I have both?

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7435 posts

All mine have two round prongs, except the ones for the UK that have three flat/rectangular prongs.

Posted by
8345 posts

Ideally for grounded items (three prongs on the US plug) you should have 3 prong adapters; however, depending on the types of places you stay, they may not have three prong outlets. So I suppose, since they are cheap, I would bring at least one of each.

Posted by
8889 posts

Does the thing you are plugging in (for which you are buying the adapter) have 2 prongs or 3?
If it has 3 prongs,you need a 3-prong adapter, if it has 2, you need a 2-prong adapter.
Obvious really.

If you have to go for 3-prongs, beware Italian 3-prong plugs are different from the rest of Europe.
It has 3-pins in a line. Click here for picture.

Posted by
21387 posts

I guess that works if you are going to the EU and the UK and Switzerland. If you are going to the EU, then get one designed to properly fit the receptical and it will last a life time and never fall out of the wall. Oh, and it's rare, but there are some outlets with safety shutters that will only work with a proper plug/adapter.

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32414 posts


As mentioned in previous replies, which style to buy will depend on what appliances you'll be using it with. Most cell phone and many laptop chargers only have two pins (no ground), so the two-pin Plug Adaptors will work fine. It's also extremely important to check the "Input Voltage" specifications of EACH device you'll be travelling with, to ensure these are designed to operate on 220 VAC electrical systems.

If you only need a two-pin (ungrounded) Plug Adaptor, this model should work fine - . It's always prudent to pack more than one as they're easily misplaced.

Are you travelling only to Italy or other countries as well?

Posted by
15806 posts

My travel computer is a 3-prong. Israel's 3-prong is unique to Israel. When I travel, I use a 2-prong adapter and I've never had a problem. I guess some current problem could fry it, but I've gone through 2 machines over close to 10 years. I'm not recommending anyone else do this, just relating my personal experience.

Posted by
526 posts

We've used a 2 prong adapter in a 3 prong outlet without any problems...


Posted by
3 posts

Thank you all for the helpful replies. I have decided to bring both 2 and 3 prong adapters (just in case).

Posted by
21387 posts

Where are you going? Cause if its the EU, then in all but a few exceptions the standard

Okay, the cheap little square adapter plugs are based on the Type C plug as are the fancy one gadget fits all gadgets. The interesting thing about the Type C is that it will go into Type F (Schuko), Type E and Type J (Switzerland), Type L (old Italian plugs - they are mostly Schuko now). Most of europe uses the E or F which are pretty much identical and designed for round recessed outlets. The difference between and E and an F has to do with where they ground; but most plugs made to day are the CEE 7/7 standard wihch matches up with both grounding locations.

So, except for the odd Italian, or the Swiss outlet, if you have a CEE 7/7 standard adapter (what i posted a few posts up), you will have something that is specifically designed to fit all but Switzerland and parts of Italy (oh and I think Denmark is odd too). Or you can use the little Type C plugs (sometimes called Europlugs) which will work if you dont need a ground, and which will work if they dont fall out of the wall under the weight of the cord or the charging or USB transformer. Or you can buy the one size fits all gadget and carry the same weight as 6 or 7 proper adapters and hope it stays in the wall.

I've been through a lot of these things over the years cause I own apartments in Europe and I have a lot of stuff from the US plugged into them. Just my experience.....

Posted by
55 posts

As someone else pointed out above, if what you’re trying to plug-in is three prong when you need it a grounded outlet. In Italy you can encounter two different kinds of grounded (three connection) outlets, one with 3 identically sized pins in a row, or one with two somewhat fatter pins with metal strips on the side that connect with side protrusions in a deeply recessed outlet. (If I make myself clear, this one makes three connections but only has two “prongs.“) Many Italian grocery stores sell, for about two euros, an adapter that lets you use the more complicated grounded plugs in one of the the simpler “3 in a row” grounded outlets. I have not seen the reverse adapter but I am certain that it exists. If I wanted one I would go to an Italian hardware store. I would harbor far deeper suspicions of one I bought on Amazon than one I bought in Italy, based on personal experience, having twice awoken in European hotel rooms to the stink of fried cheap Chinese adapters. No adapter I ever bought at a European grocery or hardware store has done that to me.