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Transportation to sorrento italy

Getting to sorrento can be challenging, but I recently took a different option that worked well. if you book by train on Italo, you can book to Sorrento. you can’t book just to Sorrento without booking through Naples. So say book Rome to Sorrento on Italo. Then Italo train will run Rome to the new Naples Afrogala station , then you get off and they put you on a small air conditioned Italo bus and drive you to Sorrento. It’s no extra charge and worked really well. The only stop was in Pompaii. However there is only one bus a day, but it got in at a reasonable time.

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3812 posts

Sorry, but this seems quite a complicate way to go from Rome to Sorrento by train. Italo runs few trains and some don't call at Afragola station.

I'd just Take a train to Napoli Centrale, picking the best/cheapest one between Trenitalia and Italo. When you are in Naples go downstairs and take the local to Sorrento.

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4105 posts

Seems very convoluted to me, when you could have gotten off at Afrogala with many Trenitalia trains to begin with.

An easier solution for those not wishing to use the Circumvesuvian, take the Alibus €5 to the airport (15m) and hop on this bus which has many runs to Sorrento daily. €10. 1Hr15m.