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Transportation in Venice and Naples

I will be in Venice and Naples for about 5 days each. Does anyone know how much it will cost to get around in these cities? We will be staying in youth hostels which may be a little ways away from the cities themselves unless we find cheap hostels in the actual cities. So I figure we'll have to get from the hostels to the cities. Advice would be appreciated.

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689 posts

If you stay in Venice you get around by walking or by Vaparetto. We purchased day passes for the Vap - jump on and off as you wish. I don't remember the cost but I don't think it was too much.

If you don't stay in Venice - you will have to take the train or other water transport over and back each day.

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3313 posts

In Venice the vaporetto is 6 Euros a trip but you can buy passes for 12 hours to as long as 3 days. A 3 day pass is 30 Euro, so it's worth it to buy the pass.

The youth hostel in Venice is on the Giudecca island so a little ways from San Marco and you need to ride the vaporetto to get there.

RS has information for Naples in the Italy book.

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705 posts

Get a vaporetto pass in Venice. It really is good value for money and I'm sure you will find you use it a lot. If you get say a 3 day pass it is valid for three days from the first use. Otherwise it's walking.

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13 posts

Thanks, for the advice! What is this Vaparetto pass called? I found a Venice pass website online that offered all kinds of transportation passes, some including free museum and church and temple entry, as well as free use of city bathrooms. Is this the same thing? And are these added benefits worth it?

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87 posts

I'm a bit different to the other posters the only time we used a vaporetto ('scuse spelling) was to and from the railway station. Otherwise we walked, and walked and walked. We stayed in the San Polo area and walked through each area sometimes using the main thoroughfares and at other times the back ways and dead ends!

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8 posts

Your pass also allows you to take the valparetto anywhere including to Murano and Burano.

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8 posts

Check your change when you purchase the valparetto pass. I didn't catch it until I had left the cashier.

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3580 posts

According to my new Rick Steves' ITALY 2008 book, the Vaporetto Pass is 13 Eu/12 hrs, 15 Eu/24 hours, and 30 Eu/72 hours. You time-stamp it when you first use it; so the 72-hr pass, if stamped in the middle of the day when you arrive, will last until that same time 3 days later. You will need a book to explain all the details of other passes. A good investment would be for you to buy the latest RS books on Italy, and Venice (two separate books). The Venice book has guided tours of museums, etc. in a lot more detail than the Italy book. The Let's Go series of books is aimed at travelers like yourself, staying in hostels and going with serious budget limitations. I've traveled that way myself and had a lot of fun. There is a section on Hostels on this Graffiti wall. Go there for ideas about good/bad hostels.