What type of card should we buy to travel and be able to get into museums..etc in Venice ..we will be there for 4 days in October
Thank you
There is a tourist card offered that you can add on places you want to visit plus travel.
Before buying the VeneziaUnica card, be certain you will go to enough of the covered sites to make it worthwhile. You can buy a vaporetto pass from Hello Venezia right at the train station. The passes are for 24, 48, 72 hours, etc., and allow you to hop on and hop off the "waterbuses". as each ride is otherwise 6.50-7.00 Euros (not sure if it went up?), a pass is a real money saver for transportation.
Agree with Laurel. Buy the vaperetto card for the length of time you will be there. It expires on the hour, so buy it so that you don't loose time or so you have it for the last trip you take. It is a real money saver for sure. Jump on jump off as you desire.
Before buying a vaporetto pass take some time to consider how much you plan to use it. I have been to Venice twice, both times for 3-4 days and for the most part we just walked everywhere. We planned one day to go to Murano/Burano and got a pass for that day and also took the vaporetto down the Grand Canal that day to see the palazzo from that vantage point. Depending on how you will arrive/depart, where your hotel is located, your interests, health, etc will factor in to how much you will use the vaporetto.