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Transportation from Praiano to Amalfi

Need to get from Praiano to Amalfi to get the ferry to Salerno. Quote from taxi was 80 euros with a 160 euro quote from Praiano to Salerno. We are picking up a rental for the next leg of our trip.

Any idea on cost of water taxi to Amalfi?


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8106 posts

Month and year?

Have you checked on SITA bus stops? This is a high-cost transportation area. (There can be a problem with space on busses from May to September.) This is a 13 KM trip, and the taxi will have to make the return trip empty. You have to pay for that, somehow. And for the delays he experiences on the only two-lane road connecting the Amalfi Coast.

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38 posts

Thanks for the reply. We will be there the first week of June. I have a driver from the airport to Praiano and he quoted 160 euros to Salerno. I would love to do the SITA bus but we will have baggage and it will most likely be full. Our BNB was a great price and I might just pay the 160 if we can't come up with another plan. Going to look at some other areas with ferry service this evening but we really like our BNB in Praiano.

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8106 posts

Oh, yes, I would expect the bus in June to be full with standees, especially west of Amalfi. The other problem is the crowding of the road, and the busses that can't make it around the turns in one try. I would observe that the bus ends in Amalfi, and the second bus (maybe Amalfi-Salerno, I've never been on it) would not be nearly as crowded. That could be a backup for a full or weather-socked-in ferry. Technically, these busses have luggage lockers under the bus, but you are right that they are jammed from Sorrento to Amalfi.

I would guess that a certain number of people get off in Positano. But I understand your concerns. (Recall Rick's advice to visit Positano first, because the late bus home to Sorrento may be so full from Amalfi loading, that it doesn't bother to stop in Positano!!!)