We are arriving around 9am in the morning in a couple weeks, October. Right now I think the easiest thing would be to take the ACTV bus, as our hotel is easy walking distance from the Piazzale Roma. We have the rest of the day Thursday, all day Friday, and we get on our cruise boat Saturday around noon. We plan on walking and getting lost on the streets, and we were originally thinking of just paying 8 euros to take the bus one way. Right now I am looking at the 48 hours pass, and wondering if we should do this to have some options after walking to get back to our hotel.
2 questions:
1) If I purchase a combo ticket of the bus from the airport and the water taxi's on ACTV, when does the effective time start?
2) Would this pass be good for the people moving system to get to the cruise boat dock locations or is that free.
Any suggestions?