My husband and I will be going to Italy arriving Oct 7th into Naples, leaving italy oct 23 from Florence. Some Transportation within Italy will be by individual rail tickets but we want a car rental for 6-7 days while we are in Tuscany/Umbria area. We think we will rent the car in Assisi or Perugia at a train station, then dropping it off in Sienna area a week later and immediately heading to Florence by train from Sienna area. We have been to Sienna before and dont care to visit Sienna so don’t want to go with the car into Sienna. Is the Sienna Train station outside of Sienna and can we drop the car off there (if so what is the name of that train station and its initials?). Our last stop in Tuscany before Sienna is Volterra so should we drop off car in Volterra instead of Sienna (if that’s possible: i think i previously looked into Volterra and there was no car rental office there)? Then train to Florence from Volterra? Do you have a recommendation of a car rental company in those pickup and drop off locations and if you know whether they have an issue with the age of my husband as driver, 79 yrs old? He’s very fit and drove in Italy 12 yrs ago.
How far in advance and how should we buy 2nd class rail tickets and necessary reservations? Can we wait and buy them there last minute at train station or is that a real bad idea, especially because of Jubilee this year. Areas where we are traveling by train are naples-pompei-sorrento-rome-assisi-perugia and Volterra or sienna to Florence.
We will be taking train from rome early in morning hopefully and arrive in Assisi by noon or earlier. Sightsee and Spend the night there and go to Perugia the next day whenever we feel we have seen enough of Assisi. Then spend whatever is left of that day in Perugia, rent car (or Assisi?) and drive to our agritissimo about an hour away. if we feel limited in time, would you suggest that we devote all our time to one or the other, Assisi or Perugia?