My husband and I are planning a trip to Italy in September to celebrate our 40th anniversary. For two or three days of the trip, I would love to visit the Val d'Orcia and explore a few local villages. The problem is that my husband is insisting that we not drive or rent a car while we're in Italy. What I'm wondering is, would there be any alternative way of exploring that area a little bit? Can one possibly hire a driver for a day or something? (Money is an object, by the way :) ) If so, would we be better to stay in or near Siena, or should we stay in a smaller town like Montalcino? Any suggestions for a way to experience this area without a car would be much appreciated.
It won't be easy, but it can be done.
From Pienza, you can travel to Montalcino, San Quirico d'Orcia, Castiglione d'Orcia and Montepulciano.
Using this bus.
Wonky site, you have to put in the full name of the town before you can click it on the pull down.
Decide which town, but Pienza is probably going to have the most bus options. Then ask for help at your lodging.
This area is VERY easy to drive in. Good 2lane roads, moderate traffic.
Parking areas are well displayed.
I'm 71 F and have been driving in Tuscany on trips for the last 11years.
Thanks for that info. I think that his trepidation is more around having to pick up and drop off a car from a larger urban center, thereby having to drive in and out of that urban center. Plus, several friends who have driven in Italy in recent years ended up with huge charges on their credit card for driving/parking infractions that they were not even aware they made!
You could spend 3 nights in Pienza and take the bus one day to Montepulciano and the other day to Montalcino. It is a lovely drive and each town is worth a visit.
Siena is far from a large urban center.
More of a town at least by US standards ; if you rented from there and drove around Val D'Orcia that would be very easy driving.
Your friends that received tickets after the fact that they were unaware of likely (90% chance at least) did not research driving a car in Italy. Don't make that same mistake.
The route you are driving the only ZTL concerns you would have are driving through a physically walled off area, which will be hard to do without realizing it. Those friends likely drove in cities which you would not be doing so your chances of a ticket are low.
The notable issue other than ZTL is speed trap cameras are everywhere in Italy, though more so on the highway and on the back roads only as you approach a small town. The great thing is they are visible and usually there is a warning sign before each one telling you the speed you need to be below.
Where you would be going there is no way you would get parking tickets months later.
You will be very limited without a car for this area.
The bus services are not designed for tourists, you can obviously pay for private drivers but that is going to be costly and you would be paying them to sit in the car while you explore a town.
Great information! Thanks.
Before we can recommend renting a car, you would need to know the rules of the road (not dissimilar from NA). This will help.
Also your itinerary, where are you coming from and going to. Do you need an automatic or will a manual transmission work for you. All rental agency's in this area may not have automatics.
To be frank, we are in the very beginning of the planning phase -- we have not booked our flights yet, and the itinerary still consists mainly of "What's possible?" I would assume that we'll fly into Rome and spend a couple of days there before making our way to Tuscany and perhaps on to the Cinque Terre. If driving turns out to not be an option, obviously we will only go to places easily reachable by train.
I have driven a standard, though not for quite a while, and I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be being the sole driver in a foreign country AND driving a standard!
Perhaps I'll need to give up on the dream of wandering the Val d'Orcia, and settle for a "Walks of Italy" day tour to the area, from Rome.
If you're coming from Rome, you could take the train to Chiusi.
Europcar has an outlet there and they do have automatics, that would take care of that problem. From Chiusi to Montepulciano is about 35 minutes, on a good, though curvy roads with lovely views. Stop to visit the village, parking is below the town. Be prepared for a change in grade as you walk up to the center. You could spend a lot of time here, even having dinner, as its only 20 minutes to Pienza.
Next day you could visit Bango Vignoni, 20 minutes, Castiglione d'Orcia, 10 min , just the drive up here is an adventure, and San Quirco d'Orcia, 10 min. Starting at the furthest location, Vignoni and ending close to Pienza.
Day 3 visit Montalcino, 30 minutes away.
As you can see, there is nothing over 1/2 hour from your base.
Look up these towns and see if they're of interest. Pull up a map of the Val d'Orcia, these are probably the easiest and quickest to reach.
Giving you a pretty good overview of this area.
Thank you kindly for all of this information, Gerri.
Consider Rome to be one of the most expensive places in Italy to have jet lag.
I would suggest leaving Rome from the airport for an Umbrian or Tuscan hill town, and have jet lag there, or fly into Florence, and immediately take the bus to Siena. Or fly into Venice and take the bus to Padova. You get the idea.
Enjoy your time in Rome more as the last couple of days you are in Italy.
An open jaw ticket can be advantageous as you can arrive and depart at different airports.