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Transport from Palermo Airport to the City

Arriving to Palermo airport at 5:10 pm, March 2020. I will be staying to Central Palace Hotel Federico II, Via Principe Granatelli, 60 Palermo, Italy
Is there any public transport, or a shuttle bus servicing from Palermo airport to Palermo city centre? If YES, where I can buy a ticket?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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2768 posts

There's the Prestia e Comande bus, website HERE It has a few stops in the center, you will have to see which is closer to you. We stayed near the teatro massimo and there was a stop a few blocks away, there's also a stop at the train station and elsewhere. You can buy on the website. It worked well for us.

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3112 posts

I've taken the bus from the airport into Palermo twice. It's easy and inexpensive. One time I took it all the way to the train station (final stop) and the other time I got off near Teatro Massimo, which looks just a couple of blocks from your hotel. I bought my tickets after arrival at the Palermo airport, I believe at a large booth inside the arrivals lobby.

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2768 posts

Dario, in the US it is certainly possible to find an airport with minimal public transit to the city! Not none, but busses that come infrequently, take forever, and only go to one area (if it's a spread out city then just going to the central business district might not be all that useful). This would apply to small to medium airports, not the biggies like NY, LA, or Chicago, but still...people would be expected to rent cars or take taxis or ubers or hotel shuttles. Every airport except probably some tiny ones serving mostly private flights would have taxis and rental cars, but public transit is pretty iffy in parts of the US. So it's a reasonable question

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3812 posts

I made that question because I've always found public transit out at US airports more than adequate. Not at a german level, but you can take trust they won't make you sleep on the curb.