We've asked our hotel (Katti House) to help make museum reservations in Florence. I think they said no problem but I don't speak Italian. Could someone please verify? HELLO OK FACCIAMO LA SUA RISERVAZIONE NON POBLEMA GRAZIE
Thank you! So much to learn.
"Hello, OK, we will make your reservation, no problem. Thank you." That is using the Italian I know, not Google (which can confuse things). Actually, one you understand that "facciamo" menas "we make" or "we will make" you should be able to figure out the rest.
Google got it almost right. It translates: Hello. OK. We will make your reservation. It's not a problem. Thank you.
Use translate.google.com They said they would make your reservation, no problem. Thank you.
Stephanie, thanks. I tried google first and this is what it told me OK HELLO WE DO NOT YOUR BOOKING THANK POBLEMA Didn't sound quite right to me.
I got that the first time too, but sometimes it helps to put parts of the sentence in separately. If you throw in only the facciamo la sua riservazione, the rest makes sense. Have a wonderful trip!
Apparently there's a punctuation shortage in Italy. :-) They should have written:
Hello. Ok. Facciamo la sua riservazione. Non problema. Grazie. It does indeed mean. "We make your reservation. No problem. Thanks."
Thanks all. Is the reservation singular? I wonder if they mean they will make my room reservation or my museum reservations?
David, "I wonder if they mean they will make my room reservation or my museum reservations?" I'm assuming that means the Museum reservations, but it might be a good idea to clarify that. Do you know anyone that speaks Italian that could prepare a translation for you?
David, Italian was my first language (mostly baby-talk at the time). Your hotel is saying "We will make your reservation no problem thank you".
They mean they will make your museum reservation. YOU made the room reservation, and they accepted it. Generally the word for a room reservation ( or table at a restaurant) is prenotazione.
Which museum in Florence does not have their website in English? Would it not be easier to book it from the comfort of your own home?
Be gentle, I was using the RS guide book and it says the easiset way to make resrevations at the Uffizi and Accademia was to do it through your hotel so that's what I was trying to do.