How much time should we allow to transfer trains in Rome? We have a suggested itinerary that allows only 8 or 15 minutes for switching trains. We've never travelled in Italy before and that short of a time frame makes me nervous. Help? What do you think?
As mentioned, be ready to get off as quickly as you can. KNOW YOUR TRAIN NUMBER and departure time. Walk to the head (station end) of the platform. Should see a departure board either the older style water fall or new electronic. Trains are list in order of departure time. Find departure time, then your train number it will give the platform number. From there determine if it is right or left and head in that direction. It doesn't hurt to ask someone who is board if the train is going to xxy. Tight connections are common. If you miss a train because your first train is late, go immediately to a ticket office to get another ticket.
Its a little tight for a big station but doable. As other posters stated be ready to get off the train to find your next track. Luckily they are all lined up and you will already be in the right part of the station. Also, if you see an attendant after you get off the train ask them right away for directions.
Thanks so much, everyone. This is very helpful.