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Trains running between Agrigento and Palermo

Are these trains extremely old and subject to big delays or is this a grosss exaggeration by some travel agent trying to sell me a bus tour? Thanks!

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3812 posts

This the "on air" Monitor showing all trains arriving at Agrigento Centrale, you can see what happens any minute and check live how many trains from Palermo are delayed:

"Provenienza" means "From". "Ritardo" means "Delays"

You must stay 2 hours on those Regional trains, not days. I have no idea if your Travel Agent knows what she/he'a talking about or not, but... Even if you arrived 1 hour late and the train was as old as the Greek temples in the Valley, would it make a real difference for you?

If you like the idea and you can afford an expensive tour, book it. Otherwise you'll survive Regional trains like tons of tourists before you. There is a train every hour between 5 AM and 6 PM, how badly can your little adventure end?

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15 posts

Cannot stop laughing from the response to my question. I agree with you . And thank you🙃

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1088 posts

If you’ve taken trains elsewhere in Europe, Sicily’s railway can be a letdown. I haven’t taken that particular train, it might be fine. The line between Cefalu to Palermo airport was pretty good. In the southeast it was not. It’s worth noting that intercity bus service is generally superior to the train system and is worth a look. The bus station may be more conveniently located as well.

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16321 posts

You can see what those “old” regional trains to Agrigento look like in this video.

It’s amazing how those Greeks were able to build these machines over 2500 years ago. They look modern for that time. Show the video to your travel agent.

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3650 posts

It does sound a bit like your travel agent has never been to Italy!
Roberto is right, the train will be easy.
They are Trenitalia ones, so just like the ones on the mainland.
That is, of course, unless you actually want a bus tour with a guide, transport, lunch etc.

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1228 posts

I took the train from Palermo to Agrigento in 2018 and in early 2020 did a day trip, round trip, between Palermo and Agrigento. I recall the train being comparable to regionale trains that I have ridden many times in Tuscany, and other parts of Italy: mostly clean, semi-comfortable, and beautiful scenery. I would gladly ride that route again!

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15 posts

Thank you for your response and providing the film Johnny Stecchino. Adore Roberto Benigni