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Trains Monterosso-Zurich

Does this schedule allow ample time between trains?

Train IC666 Monterosso al Mare to Milano Central departing 10.58 arriving 13:50
Train EC318 Milano Central to Zurich HB departing 14:25 arriving 18:28
Train CNL478 Zurich HB to Hannover Hbf departing 20.42 arriving 7:02 (next day)
Assuming I have a reservation for a sleeper on CNL478, will the somewhat brief time between connecting trains in Milano and Zurich be a problem? If so, I'd have to depart Monterosso at 6:54 on the IC658 arrive Milano Centrale 9:55 then an hour and a half layover in Milan taking the EC316 Milano Centrale to Zurich depart 12:25 arrive 16:28 with almost a 4 hour layover in Zurich. On another note, is the trip Milano to Zurich worth the cost of First Class (better view of the Alps)?

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16895 posts

The two-hour-plus connection time in Zurich is appropriately generous. Milano Centrale station layout is very simple - just one big room with all the trains visible - so 35 minutes is enough time if there are no delays, but the earlier Monterosso departure would be safer, especially if you're buying non-refundable tickets for the next legs. I would not pay 50% more for first class tickets; windows are the same in both classes.

If you are planning this unnecessarily long train trip because you have a railpass, then note that it uses 2 travel days on a flexi-style of pass - one day to Zurich and the next day for the overnight train. See also If you qualify for a youth 2nd class railpass, then choose that.

See also to check flight prices from Pisa, Genova, or Milan to Hannover or anywhere near there.

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769 posts

It is a l-o-n-g time on the train (or more technically on and off the train). By the time we depart Monterosso al Mare, we will have been in Europe 29 days and we thought a long trip watching the beautiful countryside of Northwest Italy and the Swiss Alps pass by might be a nice break. Then the Night Train. We were on a Night Train a couple years ago, but the trip was so brief that we hardly got settled into our luxurious suite than we had to disembark--seriously we thought the tiny accommodations were fun and wanted to try it again. After this day and night train trip we'll resume the balance of the visit--5 days in Germany ending with a couple days in Stockholm before heading back.