Does this schedule allow ample time between trains?
Train IC666 Monterosso al Mare to Milano Central departing 10.58 arriving 13:50
Train EC318 Milano Central to Zurich HB departing 14:25 arriving 18:28
Train CNL478 Zurich HB to Hannover Hbf departing 20.42 arriving 7:02 (next day)
Assuming I have a reservation for a sleeper on CNL478, will the somewhat brief time between connecting trains in Milano and Zurich be a problem? If so, I'd have to depart Monterosso at 6:54 on the IC658 arrive Milano Centrale 9:55 then an hour and a half layover in Milan taking the EC316 Milano Centrale to Zurich depart 12:25 arrive 16:28 with almost a 4 hour layover in Zurich. On another note, is the trip Milano to Zurich worth the cost of First Class (better view of the Alps)?