Have tried to find timetables and information about getting from venice to milan for a 7pm flight. Want to know if its easy with luggage approx cost and how long it takes? Web wouldnt let me because more than 90 days out. Hope someone can help me as want to book international flights
It's roughly 36E from Venice to Milan and 7E from Milan to the airport. There are mini-fares available on the Venice/Milan run. Odd, that I can't see the full fares on the run through May on a run that includes a high-speed. But, I'm close on the fare. It will take 3.5hrs to get to Milan and another 1hr. to the airport. Add in train transfer time as well. As for ease of luggage, it depends on how much luggage you have. A roller bag and a second smaller bag is not too bad to deal with.
Just use the official trenitalia site, not raileurope or eurail, and enter a date within April. It will give you timetables and prices. Donna
Make sure to use the same day of the week as your intended travel.
If you havent booked your flight yet, why not fly out of Venice? The time and money you save getting from Venice to Milan will probably even out the costs between flying round trip vs. "open jaw". It takes about 2.5 to 3 hours by train, and then another 1 hour to get to Maplensa airport. With all your luggage. And then what if there is a strike? They are not so uncommon. If you MUST fly round trip, then you need to be at the nearest major city to the airport at least a day in advance.
Thankyou for reply. I am looking at August 15th. Only because Finnair re $1000 cheaper for 2 x people but they dont fly out of Venice. Emirates prices have gone up that much. Was hoping the train would go to Milan airport. I couldnt see prices on Trenitalia site because of date in August. Thanks again
The Frecciabianca ( White Arrow) Es train takes 2 hours 35 minutes from Venice Santa Lucia to Milano Centrale. It is a direct train with no changes so easy with luggage. From Milano Centrale to Malpensa airport there bare frequent trains. ( but maybe you are leaving from Linate? You better check that). Trains leave Venezia S.L almost hourly at 50 minutes after the hour. The 11:50 will get you to Milano Centrale at 14:25, and the 12:50 train will arrive there at 15:25. Even that one should allow plenty of time to reach the airport in time for a 7 pm flight. I was looking at June trains. Schedules will change little if at all between then and August. Regular fare is 35 euros but by buying early you can get a mini fare as low as 9 euros. The two trains I mentioned above are both priced at 9 euro for June 12. Earlier trains are 29 euros. You cannot buy tickets for August yet. It think they appear 90 days ahead but maybe someone can confirm or correct that.