What would the best option be for 5 people(inclusive of 2 seniors, 1male -64 years old and 1 female 65 years old) if we were to travel around Italy (Venice, rome, florance, pisa and milan) in 7 days. Would point to point train tickets be more advisable as we've read that it might be cheaper. We are unable to ascertain our dates and thus we will not be able to obtain special rates for Mini fares. Thank you
We have found train travel in Italy to be very easy, especially to the larger cities. We check the internet site trenitalia.it (which has an English version) before we go to get an idea of the times and costs. Sundays and holidays have different schedules than weekdays. The local trains don't tend to give their prices but they are always much less expensive. On our last trip, we traveled with an iPad which we found we could use anywhere with fee wifi (like most hotels and B & Bs) to check the train schedules closer to our departures. Because the train stations tend to be centrally located, travelling with seniors shouldn't be too difficult. If need be, you could take a taxi to your hotels from the station. It is easy to buy tickets at the station from the ticket machines which have an English version. And we often buy our tickets for our next leg before we leave the station so we are guaranteed seats and don't worry about getting back to the station too early Reminder to be sure to always validate your train tickets before you get on the train. They do check randomly and fine if not validated. If the validation machine is broken, as the conductor to notify this on your ticket before you board. Happy travels!
In addition to the excellent RS guidebooks (you do have one for Italy, right?), there is extremely helpful information about traveling in Italy at Ron in Rome's excellent website. Here's what he has to say about Riding the Trains in Italy. Check it out. FWIW, I agree that point to point train tickets will likely be your best bet.
MS, Regardless of what type of tickets you use, it's going to be somewhat difficult to visit five locations in seven days. It might an idea to pare down your list a bit. Cheers!
Yep, what Ken said. You're trying to do way to much in a limited time. I would pick no more than three (and two would be better) and focus on those.
Thanks for all the help and tips!
I agree, 5 cities in 7 days is too much. As for travel options, the train is the best deal. You can take a fast train to each city and save time or you can take a regional train to each city and save money. The mini fares can be bought up until the day before travel if they are still available so once you know your dates you can check for those. donna
buying point to point tickets is probably best for your situation
with 7 days I'd say pick 2 locations only