I will be traveling to Orvieto from Rome by train on November 1 which is a holiday. Do the trains run less frequently on this holiday?
Yes, trains will travel on the Sunday schedule.
Marie, this may not be a perfect way to see what the trains will be doing but Jan. 1 is a holiday in Italy so you can get a rough idea of how frequently trains run on "festivo" days by plugging that date into the Trenitalia website. Nov. 1 of 2016 is just too far out for regionale train schedules.
Thank you both.
Probably there will be more services on Nov. 1st than on Jan. 1st. - Nov. 1st will somewhat have a Sunday schedule, while Jan. 1st is one of the few days in the year - like Dec. 25th and 26th - when nobody moves and services are severely reduced.