We are wanting to take a train from Rome to Orvieto to pick up a car rental. What I can tell from trying to access information on the train schedule is there isn't a train leaving until after 12:00. We are trying to arrive in Orvieto by 10:00.
Are there no earlier trains that leave from Rome to Orvieto?
At www.trenitalia.com/tcom-en, did you select an hour of departure before 12:00 from the drop down menu?
You should also enter a date before the national timetable change of June 12 to see local trains to Orvieto. Trenitalia hasn't uploaded local trains schedules after that date, yet.
There are earlier trains. What day do you want to make the trip? If you're looking for something after the schedule changes in June, it's likely that the new schedule just isn't loaded yet. Also, be sure you've set the starting time to something in the early AM; it may be defaulting to a time later than you want.
In late May (and unlikely to change) there's a 7:28 AM departure, arriving in Orvieto at 8:43. The next departure is at 8:58, arriving at 10:14 AM. Those are regional trains costing under 8 euros per person in 2nd class.
We are looking at traveling on June 15. I think I did change the time also as it defaulted to 1900. I will try again and use a date before June 12.
When will the new schedule be loaded?
When will the new schedule be loaded?
For sure on June 10, but they usually upload it at least a couple of weeks before the deadline. The new schedule will remain more or less the same, 90% of Italian customers doesn't even now when the summer change takes place.
At trenitalia.com if you do not set an hour of departure, the system defaults to the time of your pc, Italian time.