I had a couple posts regarding my October trip and the responses have been so helpful that I am now back after doing some research to confirm transportation. Below are the places I am traveling from/to and based on research I believe these trains would be fast trains and to save money I should book in advance. Am I correct? Also, how far in advance do tickets usually go on sale?
Caserta to Lecce
Bari to Rome
One final thing – I am traveling to Venafro and debating how to get from Venafro to Caserta. Either I will travel by train (this should be a local train) or I will hire transportation. Traveling with my Mom and being not at all familiar with train transportation I figure avoiding connecting in Caserta would make things easier though pricier. If I do travel by train to Caserta do I buy the tickets separately seeing as Venafro to Caserta is local, while Caserta to Lecce is a fast train?
Thank you