WHERE can I get on the train when I'm in Vatican City?
I think the station is called San Pietro.
GT, Could you elaborate a bit? Which train are you planning to use? The answer to this question will likely depend on where you're trying to go.
GT, Ron's excellent website should provide all the information you'll need. Just to clarify, your best mode of transport is Metro, rather than the "normal" trains. As I recall, the Ottaviano Metro stop is only a short walk from St. Peter's, and that will be your closest access point for the Metro. The Ottaviano stop is outside the Vatican in the city of Rome. As previous replies mentioned, you'll need to board the Metro for direction Battitstini and travel two stops to Valle Aurelia. One additional thought to mention. If you're going to be travelling a lot on the Metro or Buses on any particular day, you may want to buy a B.I.G. ticket (Biglietto Giornaliero - €4) which provides unlimited transport within the city up until 23:59 on the day it's validated. You'll need to validate the ticket once the first time you use it. IMO, it's a really good value. Cheers!
Gosh, y'all, I feel like I should be paying for this great advice. Thx again!
Sorry, I didn't even know there was more than one train! We need to get on a train around St Peters that will take us to the Via Aurelia stop which they said was only about a 10 minute train ride from the Vatican. Does that help?
If you mean valle aurelia you'll want to get to the metro either at the Ottaviano station or the cipro stop. The Valle Aurelia stop is the one after the Cipro stop. Metro line A headed towards Battestini. donna
Okay, but I still don't know where to get on the train at the Vatican??
Do you want the train even though what you want is the Metro (a kind of a train for inner cities like the New York Subway but with only 2 lines and a few stops)? The previous post gave both stations closest. Neither the Metro nor the commuter train stations are in the country of Vatican City, they are all in Rome, in Italy.
Oh, that might explain my confusion. If I'm understanding you correctly, I can't get on a train (or I guess the Metro) in Vatican City that will take me to the Aurelia stop. I need to get outside of Vatican City State.
Okay, then, I'm wondering if there's a Metro stop in Trastevere? We could just walk down there from the Vatican...
GT Perhaps it would help if you read Ron in Rome's transportation information. I suggest you look at the map of the Metro at the beginning of the webpage and compare it with a map of where you will be and where you would like to be. You will see you only want to go 2 stops. You may be happier walking or taking a bus.
Wow, what a helpful website. Thanks, that's just what I was looking for!!