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Train stations in Salerno

Help Please!
We will be traveling by train from Pompei to Salerno in late May. Our hotel is already booked and we are about a 20 minute walk from the SALERNO station. However in planning our itinerary, I now notice there is another train station called, Salerno Duomo-Via Vernieri that is so much closer to our hotel. So I decided to check out this station, because of it being maybe a five minute walk!
I have googled myself crazy trying to find this station on a schedule. It comes up with all kinds of info, and I can even get one of the
ticket sights that accepts it's name as an arrival. Does anyone know if this station is open/working? I would love to be able to get off here rather than Salerno "central" and save some time walking with luggage :)

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102 posts

If you go to the Trenitalia website and put in Pompei and Salerno as your search criteria and then, after the results come up, click the information icon for each result you will see that some of the trains stop at Duomo-Via Vernieri.

I can't get Duomo-Via Vernieri to display when using it as a beginning or ending point.
Have a great trip. We will be staying in Salerno for our 3rd time come September. It seems like it's taking forever to get here.

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16895 posts

The good old DeutscheBahn schedule search does provide results for Salerno Duomo Via Vernieri. Direct trains depart Pompei station almost hourly at :48 after each hour (but with a connection at 13:48).