Hi. I’ll be in Italy the April 23 - May 8, 2022. Do trains operate during the May 1st holiday?
I appreciate all who can advise.
In Italy, every day of the year
Yes, trains operate 365 days a year in Italy.
There is this odd local custom, people travel around to see their own country and visit their families while on holyday. So trains will be running and they won't be empty.
If you want to get an idea of schedules on Sundays and public holidays, visit trenitalia.com/en.htm and put December 8 as day of travel; then pick an early hour of departure from the drop down menu.
Note that April 25 is a national holyday, too.
Be a little careful. We were in a smaller town in Sicily on Easter Monday and could get no public transportation (train or bus) out of town on that day.
There's very little bus service in Sicily on Sundays. And there's not a great deal of rail service, period, so by the time you factor in that fewer trains run on Sundays than on the the other days of the week, it's true that Sundays are risky days for moving around down there.