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Train or rental car from MXP to Florence?

Hi there, we arrive at Malpensa from the US on a Monday morning in July with our 2 kids (4 &12, great travelers), and are trying to decide if we want to take the Malpensa Express from the airport to Milano Centrale (50 minutes), then catch a train to Florence 1 hour 40 min) then taxi to our apartment outside Florence (15 minutes) OR if we want to just pick up our rental car at MXP and drive directly to our apartment outside Florence (3.5 hours).

If we allow 1 hour to deplane, get our luggage and go through customs/immigration (does that sound right?), then it looks like we can arrive in Florence at about 2pm given train wait times, etc. If we allow the same 1 hour to deplane and another 30 minutes or so to get the car, then it looks like a similar arrival time if we drive.

The main positive I see to the train is not having to navigate unfamiliar roads on little sleep (although we're quite experienced with both).

The positives I see to driving are:
- fewer steps with luggage and kids (airport to car to apartment vs. airport to train to train to taxi to apartment)
- not having to go pick up a rental car in/near Florence the next day
- one extra day of the rental car is cheaper than 4 train tickets purchased the day of (thinking it's too risky to pre-purchase)

Thoughts? Any other variables I'm not considering?

Posted by
4105 posts

Really not a good idea driving after an international flight, especially on unfamiliar roads. Take the train. If you need to taxi outside Florence for your lodging, have the driver take you to the rental company instead and drive to your lodging from there.

Edit. If you've never driven in Italy, please read this and download their e book. Very important info on driving in Italy.

Posted by
23713 posts

The biggest issue is driving the more likely the 4.5 hours to Florence with min sleep. I won't do it.

Posted by
5822 posts

I couldn't even contemplate driving that long (or even half that long) immediately after landing from a long international flight. Jet lag could make it downright dangerous. Take the train and pick up your rental when you get to Florence.

Posted by
6869 posts

Jumping in a car and driving under those circumstances would not be a smart choice. Not only would you be miserable, it's simply too dangerous.

Don't be foolish. Take the train. Rent a car after you've had a good night's sleep to recover. You will be very, very glad you did.

Posted by
1140 posts

I know many on this forum frown upon driving after an international flight, but only you can know if that’s a wise decision or not. We are usually able to sleep on the long flights and, while not fully rested, we are rested enough for a four hour drive. We’ve done it almost every trip for the past 8 years.

As far as having the car, will you be taking day trip around the Tuscan countryside? It would be handy to have for that too. Obviously just keeping in mind the ZTL’s.

Posted by
3812 posts

True, only you can know if you can safely drive after a long flight or not. But will let you know that:

  • it's a 4 hours drive plus stops.
  • there are the mountains after Bologna. High speed trains run in a series of tunnels that is 74 kms long. You will enjoy only 45 kms by car because the rest is viaducts.
Posted by
12216 posts

we arrive at Malpensa from the US on a Monday morning

Does that mean 7AM or 11AM? Just what time 'morning' is will affect what sort of traffic you will encounter and just where your 'body clock' is. Both are factors in how (un)wise driving is.

google has MXP to Florence at 3h 41 min; my experience has found these types of mapping services to be optimistic in their estimated travel times. I would plan for 4 hours of driving , plus whatever stops you make along the way.

Any other variables I'm not considering?

Do not overlook fuel and tolls in the cost comparison

On the train the kids can move around; not so much in a car.

Posted by
1793 posts

I drove Milan (city) to Florence last Friday. From Melegnano (the ticket barrier south of Milan) to Florence airport it took exactly three hours, mostly driving at top speed (130 km/h) but stopping 15 minutes near Modena for a bit of rest. I do not think you can go much faster, and you will be more likely much slower. Traffic was light and weather on the lightly cloudy side, no rain, good visibility. Three hours and half is a more likely time in standard conditions (excluding the time spent driving within cities).

Add about 55 minutes from MXP to Melegnano. This assuming you can always drive at top speed and you do not meet heavy traffic (unlikely in the morning rush).

Posted by
12216 posts

mostly driving at top speed (130 km/h)

That converts to 80 mph---

After an overnight flight, driving 4+ hrs at 80 mph is, in my view, not an optimal situation.

I see you are from Texas, so those speeds are not unknown to you, but I doubt you spend the night in your kitchen chair, before heading off for a comparable distance at home.

Just another of the 'variables' to consider.

Posted by
6 posts

Thanks for the great feedback!

Yes, we are road warriors - 4 hours is a normal weekend road trip for us :) And yes, sometimes on very little sleep, always at 80+ MPH, BUT not in a tiny car :) That's another consideration I thought of later - even though we are traveling light, it will still be tight with a TX sized man and a couple of suitcases.

We land at 9:30 so I think we could be on the road a couple hours later so likely missing the morning rush. However, I'm strongly leaning toward the train after reading your replies and thinking on it more today. I appreciate you guys!

Posted by
1025 posts

Don't try 80+ on Italian highways. That could be an expensive journey.

Posted by
6 posts

We always only drive the speed limit, but we're used to high ones :)

Posted by
16348 posts

I hate that drive, yet I’ve forced myself to do it so many times.
I’ve yet to find a time, I mean one time, when I didn’t get stuck on the Milan Tangenziale (A50) between Melegnano and the junction with the A4 at La Ghisolfa on the way to Malpensa.
I can’t make it in 4 hours, due to traffic around Milan, if you do you should give training classes.
It’s the most boring drive you’ll ever experience. I’ve driven in Texas, and once in a while even in Texas freeways have a slight curve here and there. Not the A1 between Bologna and Milan. It’s two hours of a straight 8 lane freeway along the flattest plain in Italy. I truly have a hard time not falling asleep, even if I don’t drive after a long flight. Then between Bologna and Florence, you are underground in the longest STRAIGHTEST tunnel you have seen. It’s lighted, but it’s 45 min without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, driving 80 mph while passing caravans of long trucks which often change lanes in front of you without even looking.

I did that drive last July, but I told my wife not to book a flight through Malpensa again unless we plan to visit the lakes. The cheaper prices to MXP are not worth the suffering. I’m flying to Bologna this summer.

Posted by
32411 posts


A few more thoughts on your questions.....

As others have mentioned, driving after a long international flight is a practice which has been compared to impaired driving. Add to that unfamiliarity with road signs or the area you're driving in.

Also note that for driving in Italy, each driver listed on the rental form must have the compulsory International Driver's Permit, which is used in conjunction with your home D.L. These are valid for one year, and easily obtained at any CAA/AAA office (two Passport-sized photos required, which may be provided by the issuing office). Failure to produce an IDP if requested can result in fines on the spot! Have a look at for more information on I.D.P's and driving in Italy.

You may also want to have a look at some of the other posts here concerning the dreaded Zona Traffico Limitato (limited traffic) areas that are becoming increasingly prevalent in many Italian towns & cities especially Florence, which is almost saturated with automated ZTL cameras. EACH PASS through one of the automated Cameras will result in a €100+ ticket, which you won't know about until several months after you return home! This website provides more information - .

There's also the issue of parking tickets, high fuel costs, tolls and automated speed cameras including the devious Traffic Tutor system which measures not only instantaneous speed but also average between two points. Violate either or both parameter and expensive tickets will follow. You may also encounter automated fuel pumps that will only accept Chip & Pin credit cards.

Travel by train will be much easier and less stressful, and you'll have an opportunity for a nap. The Freccia trains from Milan to Florence travel at up to 300 km/h so that will be a much faster trip also. If you haven't used trains or other public transit in Italy before, there are a few caveats to be aware of but those are easily dealt with. Your destination station in Florence will be Firenze Santa Maria Novella.

Posted by
616 posts

Whatever you like best. But keep in mind that in many places in Central Florence, you are not allowed to park from 8 am-8 pm. Should you want to park your car in a garage, you have to count 30 euros a day.

Posted by
1046 posts

We always only drive the speed limit, but we're used to high ones :)

As pointed out there are traffic cams, both speed and in most of the major cities restricted driving areas. Per other threads on these forums, you will get a bill or your credit card will be charged by the rental company way after the fact. Also, with a 4 year old, remember the car seat. That along with everyone else in the car plus luggage might make for a tight fit. Take the train, you will be a lot more relaxed.