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Train or bus Rome to Sorrento

If we take the fast train from Rome to Naples and then get the bus to Sorrento, will we be able to see a little bit of Naples? I know RS says the bus is easier. Any opinions? thanks,k

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16 posts

This site outlines all the Rome to Sorrento options ....

As previous poster said, after you get to Naples on the train, you can stash your stuff at the station and then spend several hours in the city. When you return to Naples Centrale, you'll be continuing onward to Sorrento via the Circumvesuviana, which is a local/commuter train. It's not on the same platform as the Ferrovie line (Trenitalia) ..... rather I think you have to follow signs/stairs to get to Circumvesuviana.

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3112 posts

If you take the train to Naples in the morning, you could check your bags at the station, explore the city, eat some pizza, visit the museum and then catch the Circumversuviana train to Sorrento. The local train runs about twice hourly throughout the day, so it's any easy connection. The bus from Roma Tiburtina station directly to Sorrento has gotten positive feedback on this board, but it only runs a couple of times a day. Do a search of past postings (use box at upper right of this page) for comments about the bus.