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Train from Venice to Cinque Terre

What is the best way to get from Venice to Cinque Terre? Is the train a scenic ride or should we plan it at night? Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

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11818 posts

We did this trip last year. It is pleasant enough although not terrifically scenic. There are three trains involved: Venice to Florence to La Spezia to the CT. (Or 4 trains if you go thru Bologna.) Other than the normal daytime departures, you can leave Venice at about 5:30 pm, for example, and arrive in Vernazza at 11:25 pm. Or at 3:00 am and arrive at 10:30 am. The problem with going at night is twofold, IMO. You won't get any sleep because you have to change trains every couple of hours, and many lodgings expect you to arrive by 4:00PM in my experience. I'd suggest traveling during the day so you arrive in time to settle in, tour one of the villages as orientation, and have a nice dinner.

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130 posts

We are going in September, and chose to travel through Bologna for a couple of reasons: 1) the actual time is shorter
2) you have reserved seats for most of the trip For us, since we are heading to Florence after CT, it also allowed us to see a different part of the country. We are going to stop for lunch in Parma :) The route goes Venice-Bologna-Parma-La Spezia-CT

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32384 posts

Kristy, On that route, I'd use a train departing Venezia S.L. at 09:27, arriving La Spezia Centrale at 14:19 (time 4H:52M, one change at Firenze SMN, reservations compulsory for the first leg, current 2nd Class fare listed at €52.30). From La Spezia you can board the local train for whichever of the five villages you'll be staying in. When you purchase your ticket, be sure to specify your end destination, so that you won't have to buy another ticket at La Spezia. The cost will only be slightly higher than the price listed above (I didn't check the exact amount as you didn't say which village you'd be staying in). As far as "scenic", it's Italy! It's all scenic! Happy travels!

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2829 posts

Ken, I'd recommend her NOT to buy the final La Spezia - CT town sector integrated with her Venezia-La Spezia ticket if she's buying in advance. The reason is that since Dec. 2010, in many instance you can't get certain discounted fares if you add a regional sector to your national train ticket with reserved trains.

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32384 posts

Andre L., That's a point I wasn't aware of. However, as the trip from Venice to the Cinque Terre includes one Regional leg (Florence to La Spezia), would the discount still be possible?