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Train from Rome to Venice

Will we be on one train for this trip and how long is the ride? I have tried to go on the website but I get different trains and different times it takes from 4-6hrs

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4555 posts

Yes, that's right....different trains will take different times, depending on which routing they take and which transfers, if any, are needed. So the time it'll take will depend on which of 15 or so trains per day between Rome and Venice that you choose to take.

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6898 posts

The fastest Eurostars will get you there in 4.5hrs with a non-stop to Florence and then stops in Bologna, Padua and Mestre. Very minimal with no train changes. As Norm describes, other train categories could and do take longer and they stop more frequently and there could be a train change somewhere in the run.

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143 posts

In general, the faster you go (i.e. on a Eurostar) the more you'll pay for a ticket (regional trains with more frequent stops are cheaper). Eurostars are also usually newer and more modern. It's all a trade-off, sometimes you want to minimize your travel time, on other trips a slower train not only saves you a few euros but you appreciate being able to enjoy the scenery a bit easier.