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Train from Otranto to Lecce


Does anyone have any info about trains from Otranto to Lecce? How long it takes, is there a station in Otranto or do you need to take the bus?

Thank you!

Posted by
78 posts

Trains in that part of the country are run by a local company called FERROVIE DEL SUD-EST (or F.S.E.).

(website available in italian only)

No direct train from Lecce to Otranto; you must take connections at ZOLLINO and MAGLIE.

The Otranto line is a branch, which branches off from the Lecce to Gagliano Leuca line at Maglie.

The railroad station is Otranto is not exactly in the city center, but within walking distance (1 Km or so).

This company is running a mixture of both modern and old equipment, all diesel powered. Modern cars are equipped with air-conditioning, old ones are not.

This area is becoming more and more popular with both domestic and international tourism. August is jam-packed.

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11613 posts

There is a bus that takes about an hour.

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500 posts

I remember the station being higher than the city center - I would say 15-20 minutes walking uphill.

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5226 posts


Here are the bus schedules (Otranto to Lecce):

The website is in Italian but not difficult to figure out.

You can purchase tickets on-line & pay with CC or PayPal:

Bus tickets are very inexpensive & you can always purchase them when you're there or directly from the bus driver.

Here is a list of vendors who sell these bus tickets:

Have a wonderful trip!