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Train from Naples to Rome

Upon checking Bahn de for train times, it seems it is approx. 1. 15 hours into Rome.
Does anyone know what times the Circumvesuviana trains leave Sorrento and how long a train trip to Napoli Centrale?
Is there a site for the Circumvesuviana.
We will be leaving by bus from Positano to get the train to Naples and any help in bus times would be appreciated.
This trip is not until 2021 but I can get a fair idea of timing to help plan this portion of the trip.
Thank you for any help.

Posted by
23713 posts

Relax a little now and do you your time checking about a year from now and use for schedule info. The Circum .... will not show because it is a private, commuter line. It has it own timetable somewhere. Just goggle it. But it really doesn't matter as it runs about twice an hour and about an hour ten, from Sorrento. (Express is 50 mins) All the train schedule change a little (not significantly) every six months. Just buy a ticket and get on. The current schedule is at

The hour fifteen is the fast train. The more frequent Regional are around three hours so watch your scheduling.

Posted by
8144 posts

Please give the month of the year next time you post. High season is very congested in this area. That does not really affect the premium (and non-changeable, non-cancellable) Frecciarossa service between Rome, Naples, and Salerno, if you already have your ticket (to get a reduced, advance-purchase fare.) But it affects both busses and Circumvesuviana trains when things are very crowded.

Your post is sketchy, suggesting that you plan to sleep in Positano the night before you go to Rome. That is fine if you are staying in Rome, but it is a prescription for disaster if you are going to the Rome airport to fly home.

To give you a more specific picture, when we were in Sorrento in late May, every morning we walked by or to the Circumvesuviana station, there were already more people in line for the bus to Positano that would fit on the next, half-hourly bus. The price is right for the SITA busses, but not if you have an inflexible schedule to meet.

Posted by
308 posts

With the corona virus hanging over our heads, public transportation schedules will change to avoid overcrowding and promote social distancing. I wouldn’t rely on any old schedules because we will be operating on a new normal until we have a safe and reliable vaccine. Like others have posted, take the wait and see approach.

Posted by
17 posts

Wait to 6-8 weeks prior to the trip and google Fast train from Naples to Rome is about 75 minutes, and you can book your trip with exact seating on either the Trenitalia line or the private line.

Posted by
34547 posts

Unfortunately if you go to the RailEurope site many of the trains will not be listed and those with special deals will not be highlighted the way they will be if you go to the actual train operator.

Posted by
3653 posts

Hi Shelley,

If you put in a random day about two weeks from now on the Trenitalia website., you will get a rough idea of when the trains run.
IE: if you plan to travel on a Tuesday, put in next Tuesday as your travel date., and see when the times are.
I don't think the schedules will change much for next year, but we never know.
Always use Trenitalia or Italo sites for trains in Italy.
Circumvesuviana trains are just first come first serve.

By buying about 4-5 weeks ahead, this past year we were able to get two tickets for E19 from Rome to Naples on the high speed Trenitalia version.
That's less than E10 each!!
It pays to keep an eye out in advance for sales.
Sales usually start a few weeks before travel.
Look up The Man in Seat 61 for all info about trains in Europe.
Happy planning!

Posted by
23713 posts is not a good choice for train information. It is a travel agency selling tickets on a limited number of Europe trains. Some times discount might be available but spotty. Best avoided if you can. Always try to use the national train sites for ticket purchase and schedule info.

Posted by
17 posts

My experience with Rail Europe was favorable. It listed all of the Trenitalia and Italo trains from Rome to Naples for a specific date and time, and I went first class for $19 and had the ticket in hand for travel. They came recommended to me by Tauck.

Posted by
16867 posts

If you put in a random day about two weeks from now on the Trenitalia
website., you will get a rough idea of when the trains run.

Not for the Circumvesuviana; it isn't a Trenitalia train. It doesn't appear that you are needing help with your train from Napoli to Rome but let us know if you do?

Frank has given you a link for what the Circ. schedule looks like today but, Shelley, it's WAY too early to use it as a "for certain" for travel in 2021. As he has wisely suggested, take a look but cool your jets until a few months before your trip. You can't buy tickets in advance for that train* anyway, and they're really cheap so relax. :O)

This is the current SITA bus schedule from Positano> Sorrento but, as per the Circ. from Sorrento> Naples, it's much too early to use it as a "for certain."

(asterisk) The exception is if taking Circumvesuviana's Campania Express but that one runs on an extremely limited, seasonal schedule that I wouldn't take into consideration at this point in time. And for advance, fast-train tickets from Naples to Rome, I will vote with the others who recommend using the Trenitalia or Italo websites and not Rail Europe. :O)

Posted by
23713 posts

Also should add, there is a direct bus from Sorrento to Rome twice a day that is cheaper and more convenient if it fits your schedule. It is faster since you are not changing trains in Naples. You have lots of travel options.

Posted by
701 posts

Thank you all for your suggestions.
S.J. I will look up the Man in Seat 61. Thanks.
Frank you have made a great suggestion about the bus from Sorrento to Rome. Do you know by chance what
time it leaves Sorrento and how long the trip is? Also where is the bus station located in Rome. We plan just a day and a half
there as I have been twice before.
Appreciate for any further help.

Posted by
701 posts

Sorry folks- this trip is planned for either May or September next year depending on COVID-19 perhaps coming back.
This will be our 7th trip to Europe and I usually start a good year out researching so I have things ready to book 6 months out for sure on hotels.
This may be a bit too soon for some, but it gives me peace of mind that I get the hotels I want and flights, trains, buses that I do not have to scramble. I realize all good intentions may go awry but hopefully i have left room to accommodate.
Thanks again all.

Posted by
16867 posts

I'm pretty sure Marozzi is the bus Frank referenced that travels between Sorrento and Rome. This is the website (it's in Italian): has published a 2020 schedule in English but I'm seeing some inconsistencies so reference only the Italian version for now. You have plenty of time before this trip and things could change between now and dates closer to your departure date.

The trip takes about 4 hours.