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Train from Milan to Paris

Traveling by train from Milan to Paris seemed like a great plan.,,,,don't do it! The scenery is amazing, but the trip is almost unbearable. We departed at roughly 9 am and arrived at roughly 4:30 PM.... a long first class where the a/c didn't work...the bathrooms didn't work and the "train manger" told us it was usuallly worse because routine maintenance was not done and equipment was in short supply. He was sympathetic and offered a "free drink."
A hot long ride with in operative bathrooms in first class would have been bad enough, but when you add six plus crying infants whose parents lacked basic skills... it was one of the worst travel experiences we've ever indured.
Do Not have the same experience, fly from Milan to Paris or don't go.

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11848 posts

I am sorry to hear you had a bad experience. We have taken that train three times and while it is not a luxury train experience, we did not have such terrible problems. No A/C is unforgivable, and I have experienced that on Trenitalia in July. Awful!

Hope the rest of your trip has been great!

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2487 posts

You just had bad luck. I did the trip last year from Turin (Torino) and found nothing at fault. Relaxing trip and so much better than flying. And, as always on European trains, 2nd class is comfortable enough.

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7175 posts

What a bummer you had to endure such a journey. Sorry to hear. I always seem to think that once ONE thing goes wrong, EVERYTHING goes wrong. My 'six hour rule' re train vs plane would have kicked in here.