We are trying to price a train trip from Luzern to Cinque Terre in September of 2017. W went to SBB site to try to enter info. It won't quote a price even when we move the date within the 6 month window that they mention.
We then found info on a site called rome2rio that gave very clear pricing. But we couldn't tell how current it was. The info it gave said that it was a 9hr06min trip via Arth Goldau to Milano Centrale then on to Levanto then to Vernazza.
We knew this wouldn't be an easy trip lol (One of those "you can't get there from here jokes") But what has us concerned is that the site stated how often trains left from each of our stopping points heading to our next spot.....and the one from Milano Centrale only left for Levanto ONCE a day! Does anyone know if this is true? If so what time does it leave?
We had also been advised that if we wanted to see scenery leaving Switzerland we should take the "long way around" instead of through the new tunnel. The expert suggested entering Goeschenen as a stop. Does this add a lot of time to the trip? Because we sure don't want to miss the one train to Levanto!
Thanks for help!