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Train from Florence to Cortona-stop in Camucia or Terontola?

We are travelling from Florence to Cortona to stay for two weeks. Which train station is the best stop to reach Cortona? Camucia or Terontola?? Thank you!!!!

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3112 posts

I used the Camucia station when I stayed in Cortona last May. It was convenient, and is closer to Cortona than the Terontola station. The tabacchio near the station was closed, but I was able to purchase bus tickets at a store a couple of blocks toward the town center (on the left). There's a bus stop very near the store (same side of street, just past the store), so no need to return to the station to catch the bus. Once in Cortona, you can buy bus tickets at the TI office as well as other spots in town.

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6898 posts

There is bus service from either station. Camucia is closer to both Florence and Cotorna.