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Train from Brindisi to Salerno - track maintenance?


I'm trying to plan for a train ride from Brindisi to Salermo in mid-July. As one can see on , they are situated very close to one another and are connected by rail.

However, when checking the transit duration on for mid-July, I'm informed that it will take over 15 hours! I tried changing the date to late May to see if it was the same, and it says it will only take ~3-4 hours.

Can someone please explain this discrepancy, or inform me of a faster way to travel between the two locations? Many thanks!

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1127 posts is showing a 5-6 hour trip with connecting trains.

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241 posts

Try seaches in both directions, and pay close attention to what is the criteria in your seach. Sometimes little details are missed. I come up with 5-6 hour trips with transfer common in Taranto.