Is there an easy train connection between Varenna and Lake Maggiore, without going back to Milan?
Will be there in Sept and planning on 2 nights in each location.
Lake Maggiore is 82 square miles of water. Any particular part of it you are aiming for?
Looks like you can get to Locarno without going through Milan-----
No easy train connections. You could take a train from Como Nord Lago station to Saronno in the north Milan suburbs and change to a train to Laveno on the east shore of Lake Maggiore. Does that count?
The easiest and simplest way would be to just go back through Milan. You'd only have two short rail trips, the first at 1H:03M and the second about an hour to Stresa. From Stresa you can easily reach other parts of Lago Maggiore by boat.
Which town on Lago Maggiore are you going to?
Not knowing what the rest of your trip covers, but had you considered staying at just one lake and not endure checking out of and into another hotel and devoting a significant part of a day transiting?