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Train/Bus Cortona to Siena Sunday May 11 or Monday May 12?

Hello Stevians-
I couldn't find any answers in my RS Italy guidebook or on the website.
Is it possible to travel by train or bus from Cortona to Siena on Sunday May 11 or better yet Monday May 12? How/what/when?

2nd question: Does the Saturday May 10 bus leaving Assisi stop in Cortona on it's way to Siena? If not, is there a bus from Assisi to Cortona on Saturday May 10?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Sarcasm is appreciated too, so long as it's funny sarcasm.

Kind regards,

Ray Magee
Fellow Stevophile

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16895 posts

Renting a car would be my first choice for exploring Tuscany and Umbria. See the map on p. 674 and Cortona transport info at the start and end of that chapter. It says there's not much intercity bus service, therefore advising train or car travel. I didn't have much success searching for bus service, but did note that Cortona is not on its pull-down menu of towns served. Chiusi, Arezzo, and other towns served by rail are on the list, so if might be possible to mix trains and bus that way, with local advice. Trains between Camucia-Cortona station and Siena take 3 - 4 hours with a connection at Florence or Chiusi.

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11613 posts

You can check Rome2Rio for different types of transportation. All the places you want to see are reachable by train and/or bus; Sunday service may be limited. for train info. Lonely Planet may have more transportation info than the RS books.