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Traffic Tickets

I know there are postings for this, but I just need a simple answer. I recieved a ZTL in the mail, how do I pay? Do I just wait for the regestered letter with the username and password? I sure can't tell what to do with the letter sent to me from Europcar.

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32219 posts


Were there no instructions or at least a cover letter sent with the violation notice?

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2297 posts

I think there is some confusion. You cannot receive a ZTL (meaning: Zone for Limited Traffic) in your mail as streets are usually too big to fit into an envelope ... If that letter was coming from the car rental agency it probably asks you to cover the costs they incurred by providing your information to the Italian authorities. The actual traffic ticket will probably follow later coming directly from the respective Italian authority.

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3 posts

Yes it was a letter stating I enter a ZTL. I guess it just the curtosy letter. I translated it the best I can. I have read that it is cheaper to pay before the registered letter arrives, but I can not figure out how to pay. I guess I just have to wait till the letter with the Web username and password arrives. Here is the text of the letter as best as I can retype it.

Verbale di accertamento e di contestazione di violazione al codice della strada

Data e locatita
Il giorno 14/05/2009 alle ore 13:37 nel Comune di Ravena, in VIA MARIANI VARCO ELETTRONICO il aottoscritto ISPETTORE Lordedana Salei ha accertato quanto segue:

Autoveicolo: FIAT targa DS70CN

Proprietario: SECURTIFLEET SRL Nato a e Residente a 00100 ROMA (RM) in C.G. VIOLA, 48

VIOLAZINE: art 7 c.9 e 14 del vigente C.d.S – poiche:
Circolava in zone a traffico limitato, senza autorizzazione.

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3 posts

Here is the rest of the letter.

Motivo della mancata contestazione: non contestato, ai sensi art. 201 comma lbis, lettera g) D.lga. 285/92 Accertato con sistema di rilevazione denominato “SIRO VES 1.0” omologato con D.M 2968/2001.

Per la violazione sopra specificata e prevista una sanzione di Euro 74.00 (sanzione) + Euro 12.00 (spese postali e di procedimento) per un totale di Euro 86.00.

Il presnete provvdimento e stato redatto con sistemi meccanizzati. La firma autografa del Rappresentante dell’ufficio che ha redatto il presente att e sostituita dall’indicazione e stampa del nominative del soggetto responsabile ai sensi dell’art. 3 del D.Lge. 12 febbraio 1993, n.39.


Il presente verbale viene notificato a mezzo del servizio postale al suscritto destinatario in data cui al timbro postale, a mezzo raccomandata con avviso di ricevimento.

Il verbalizzante
Addetto di Poliza Municipale
ISPETTORE Lordana Salsi

Il reponsabile del procedimento imformatico
(art. 3 comma 2 d.lge 12/02/93 n.39)
Sena Michele

La modalita di estinzione, le avvertenze e le modalita del ricorso si trovano sulla pagina 2 del presente verbale.

Pagina ½ del verbale SIRIO n. 014952/0/09

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1170 posts

I would wait to see if you get anything else on this in the mail. At least you didn't have to wait for a year for it to arrive! Since this letter came from Europcar, they may just go ahead and charge your credit card for the fine. Check your statement over the next several months.

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365 posts

The rental car agency WILL NOT charge your card for the fine, but they will charge your card a lesser amount for the task of providing driver info to the police.