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Tours website


Is there a good website where I can book the majority of my tours. My mom has agreed to pay for my tours for my birthday. I have no clue where to begin

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7195 posts

What kind of tours are you looking for? Multi-day tours, day tours, city walking tours, etc? Where are you planning on going. Italy is big country and I don't think there's one website for booking all tours in Italy.

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8889 posts

Where do you want to go? What tours do you want to book?
I am afraid your question is much too broad.

Are you looking for an "all-found" tour where they pick you up from the airport, and take you from place to place, with all your hotels included? Or are you planning your hotels and travel yourself, and just looking for tours in each city (which cities?).

What are you interested (cities, old buildings, museums, countryside, mountains, etc. etc.)?
How long have you got (days)?
What is your budget (Euros per day, for hotel + meals + transport + minor purchases)?

I think what you want more is a "Dummies Guide to where to go in Italy".

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1662 posts

Hi the,

That's a great gift.

I suggest to take a look at these YT vids to get an idea.

If you find that is your type of traveling about Rome or other parts of Italy, then look at their website: I think they still offer 5% off some tours.

The other good tour guide group is This group used to offer 10% off when booking two or more tours, but I don't see that offer anymore.

Both groups offer tours to other parts of Italy. Have fun!