Ill be visiting Rome in October I was thinking of using a tour guide when I visit the Vatican, any recommendation?!
Through Eternity,, small group & private tours
Thankyou Sam,thats the site I was actually looking for
Any comparison's or thoughts on Through Eternity vs. Walks of Italy for tours? one better then the other? One big difference on Through Eternity I can see from reading is the time difference on most vatican and other tours being 5 hrs while Walks of Italy is 3 hours. They say you aren't as rushed over 5 hours instead of 3. I was looking at walks of italy for tours but after seeing you reply and checking out through eternity i'm reconsidering.
Hey Robert,that's what I sawe too that Eternity offers a 5 hr. Tour compare to thers 3hr. And for almost the same price,and its Rick Steve approved,so I might go with Eternity