Well, actually it passed over the lagoon, hitting Lido, Sant'Elena and Sant'Erasmo, not Venice proper: http://www.gazzettino.it/articolo.php?id=201897&sez=NORDEST Crazy weather recently in this part of the continent.
Wow. Amazing. FWIW, Sant'Elena is part of Venice proper - it's the "tail of the fish" where you find the public gardens and the soccer stadium. One of the video clips linked in that story shows the devastated trees in the public gardens. There's also an excellent blog posting on it here. Just amazing, but not unheard of. Apparently lots of people were killed in Venice by a tornado in 1970.
Before coming here I thought that we only had tornadoes in the United States. I learned when I got here that there are several tornadoes annually in Italy and various parts of Europe. Often they don't make the international news because they only affect rural areas. But occasionally they do hit a city and do some serious damage.
Earthquakes to the south of us, tornadoes to the east of us...I guess the Mayans were right...