I’m renting a car in a few weeks during our stay in Italy. Is there anything I need to know about paying highway tolls? Is done electronically
? And if so, how is it handled?
There are a bunch of You Tube videos which show very clearly how to do it. I suggest you watch as it's a little difficult to explain on here. Just don't use the Telepass lane! Cash or CC.
check the recent discussion on this topic below. I gave all the necessary explanations on the use of Italian toll highways.
Just looked at the video, and I'm unclear about payment. It says you can use debit cards, but are credit cards also accepted?
check the thread I linked above.
The official websites will give you info on everything you need.
But if you feel uncomfortable about credit cards you can pay cash. The tolls are not very high and chances are you will be on the Autostrada (toll highway) for very short distances. To give you an example from Puglia to Florence, the highest you can pay is a little over 40€. Rome to Florence is just over 20€. So you won't need a lot of cash.
Cash machines give change.