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To Do and a Hotel in Genoa

On our way back to fly home from Milan from Nice, we plan on two nights in Genoa. We'll be on the train.

Any recommendations?

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34338 posts

Some people here have had nice things to say about Genova. I'm not one of them, but I've only seen Genova in passing and not explored the tiny alleys which pass for streets in the old part of the city. Having just seen them on TV (in the UK, episode one of the new series of Italy Unpacked) it reminds me a lot of the narrow part of Naples.

I've not heard a balance of positives/negatives about Genova - the scale remains well tipped to negatives.

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17 posts

We only spent approx 4 hours in Genoa and that was at the Acquarium at the Port area. Lovely acquarium although probable not as interactive as the ones in North America but still a good way to pass some time while in this city.