We are leaving August 31 for a 63 day road trip in Europe. As part of this trip we will be spending a week in Rome. However, we will have leased car and need to find a way to park the car and leave it safely while in Rome. For reference, we will be driving up from the Tivoli area to reach Rome.
Our first thought was to drive to the airport and park it there, then take a limo to our Air BnB in the Prati neighborhood. However, we know there is a parking garage in the Prati area. So would it be possible to easily drive to the Prati parking garage? We do not wish to get caught up in Rome traffic but are wondering if there is a way to get to this neighborhood with minimal trouble and then park for the week. From Rome we will be driving north to Chianti.
Can anyone help with this issue? We are trying to arrange parking and transfers ahead of time so we can simply enjoy the trip with as few arrangements to be made as possible. Thank you!
A. Luchini