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Tires on the road

A strange question: We were driving in the Castellina in Chianti region today and a stretch of 222 had literally hundreds of tires stacked along the road, especially near guard rails, signs, posts...... I am curious about what the purpose was. We think there might have been, or is going to be, a bike race? Just a little curious. Anyone know?

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3696 posts

Well, I have seen lots of strange things while driving around the roads in Italy, and not sure what the tires are all about.... but a few years ago it took me quite a while to figure out what all the women were doing early in the morning at the end of their driveways all dressed up like they were going to the bar... this was a popular truck route and after about 45 minutes I finally came to the realization they were not just going out to their mail box (I didn't think of myself as naïve till this incident:))

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9110 posts

Bumper tires would probably indicate a car race of some kind.

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2876 posts

The 34th Coppa del Chianti Classico car race takes place this coming weekend.

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2456 posts

Wow, this web conversation has more information than Google, Bing or Siri!

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3313 posts

Terry Kathryn - I had the same reaction driving near Gubbio. Wommen in form fitting mini-skirts sitting on buckets by the side of the road. Finally I thought, oooh, I get it. Really? In broad daylight?

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263 posts

Thanks for the info....I am going with Tom's classic car race. Too bad I will miss it. If I see some dressed up women by the road, I won't stop to ask for directions!!