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Time travel between Venice and Florence.

We are checking out from Venice and off to Florence. Does someone know how much time it takes to reach the Venice train station (Names?) from Hotel Campiello?

I found that it takes 3 hours to reach Florence station. I need help to see what time we might reach Florence. Since we plan to stay 2 nights in Florence, if we reach here after noon, we might have only a day and a half in Florence.

Do you think we'll be able to walk around and see the city in 1 1/2 days with child?

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The train station in Venice is Santa Lucia.

From your hotel, depending on which water bus you take (Lines 1,2 or 51 in the Lido direction) it'll take anywhere from half an hour to 45 minutes to get from your hotel to the train station. From check out to check in I would plan at least 5 hours.

You can easily walk both cities with a child. You probably won't want a stroller in Venice with all the bridges but it might be nice to have one in Florence.
