Our original flight from Rome on United was changed, and now we have only 1 hr and 15 min to get to our connecting flight. We will be landing in Dulles and from there to Denver. The United agent tells me that is enough time, but it seems risky. We will not have checked bags, so that should help. Have never been to Dulles airport, so not sure what to think. Any thoughts?
It's tight, especially if there is a slight delay on your arrival flight. But no checked bags will help. Use the bathroom on board before landing and try to run in front of everybody else as you walk toward the immigration desks, so that you are one of the first in line at immigration. You don't have to wait for your luggage to go through customs, therefore that part will be fast.
It is tight. Dulles has two immigration areas. You will go through immigration in the United terminal since you are connecting on United, so at least you won't have to change terminals.
Try to get seats near the front of the plane. Also advise your flight attendants that you have a short connection, sometimes they can help you be among the first to exit the plane.