Does anyone have a feel for how much time I will need to get from the Malpensa Express to a FRECCIABIANCA train to Padova in the Milano Centrale station? For example, there is a Malpensa Express arriving at 9:30, and a train departing for Padova at 9:35. If I purchase tickets ahead of time so I can just change trains, can I make it? If I purchase tickets in advance, I am locked in to that train so I am trying to get a feel for the risk of relying on stated arrival/departure times and the possible distance between tracks. Thanks!
Milano Centrale to Padova is most likely to be a regionale train. I dont think the fast trains stop there. There is no point in buying regionale train tickets in advance, and you can only purchase 7 days in advance at any rate. 5 minutes is probably not enough time. Better plan for 15-20 minutes, or more if you need to buy the ticket.
Oops, I just checked and I'm wrong. Still, better plan for 15-20 minutes to switch trains.
Milano Centrale is a terminal station. In most cases you have to walk to the head of your train, look the departure boards, walk in the head gallery to the departure track of the second train, and walk along the train to your car (places in Frecciabianca would be reserved). Five minutes are too narrow a time window, it can be done if your train arrives in time, tracks are close and you have no luggage - but still very risky. Usually tickets are sold for transfers in 15 minutes or more.
I am questioning if you arriving on a flight at Malpensa? If so, how do you know your flight will arrive on time, or that you will get through immigration and get you luggage in a timely manner? Buying a nonrefundable train ticket is risky. Leave at least a 4 hour gap if you want to roll the dice and get an advance purchase ticket.
Check the train schedule for the next train to Padova. You MAY have time, and you MAY miss your first train.
To me the biggest risk is that your arrival at Malpensa is delayed (late airplane, long lines at passport controls, late baggage claim) and miss that Malpensa Express train altogether. Most trains depart and arrive exactly on time, but too many variables are in play when you deal with air travel.
I never pre-purchase train tickets on the day I'm landing coming from the US.
Besides are the savings that big on the Frecciabianca MI-VE? I doubt you'll save more than 20 euro by buying ahead of time. But if you want to take the risk, the loss won't be catastrophic either.
I think the initial request was more focused on the distance between Malpensa Express arrival track and Frecciabianca departure one. They are located on the same level, side by side. 5 minutes are enough to walk from the former to the latter.
Last May when I took the Malpensa Express to Milano Centrale, the train stopped about 300 meters from the railhead, and it took more than five minutes to get to the next train. Even if the tracks are side by side (say 14 and 15), if one is a shared track with the train only pulling within 300 meters of the railhead, you may be hard pressed to get to your Frecciabianca carriage with reserved seat in five minutes (and it's no fun boarding the last car and hauling your luggage through a train stuffed with people's suitcases in the aisles).
If the question is only how long is the walk, IMHO five minutes are enough only under the most favorable circumstances. If you are stuck in the last car of a train you have to walk all the platform, tracks may be distant, trains can be delayed and even a two minutes delay may be too long.
I agree that the biggest problem may be in your arrival flight and airport procedures.
I'd leave enough buffer time to allow for delays.
If you have time on your hands at Milano Centrale there is plenty of choice if you like window shopping or a cup of coffee.
If you are packing light, then take off running. Check the board for the track number and run. I've seen some conductors waiting on the track with people running towards the train a minute or 2.
When the mal express train leaves go walk all the way to the front and sit. At least you'll be close by the platform when you get off