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Tickets/tours of The Last Supper

We went online to order tickets to view The Last Supper 3 months before our planned trip and find that tickets are already sold out. We see that there are tour companies offering limited availability but aren’t familiar with them. Anyone have experience with this particular sight and how best to see it? Thanks

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601 posts

Even if the date you want is sold out now, bookmark the site and check frequently. Tickets
become available at odd times for various dates.

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4 posts

Thanks for the replies. I guess I really wasn’t clear. We have one specific day that we can go on based on flights, hotels, etc. We’ve booked with a tour company but will keep an eye out to see if our date opens up.

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16 posts

We couldn't buy tickets online to see The Last Supper when we visited Milan last month, so I booked a tour through Get Your Guide which included tickets to see The Last Supper. The tour group was big, 30 people. (32 people are allowed in at a time to see the painting.) The tour started with seeing The Last Supper and then there was a guided walking tour that ended at the Duomo. Most of us saw The Last Supper and skipped the rest of the tour.

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11502 posts

I am surprised that 32 people were let in to see The Last Supper at a time. We have seen it twice and groups of 10-15 only were allowed to enter.
I encourage to find a way to see this treasure.